Paddling, Paddling and More Paddling!

Life can certainly be busy and situations can always arise that will keep you off a trail. That definitely happened to me this year, so I made the best of it and stayed focused on both my business and leisure time enjoying every minute of it. Work is going great and we’ve been involved in some super interesting construction projects during the past year. On the hiking, paddling and fun front, I’m pretty sure that I’ve broken all my past records for total number of days spent on a river in a year, and we still have plenty of days left in 2018! It’s been another great Ocoee River season close to our home in the North Georgia mountains. We truly love the visits and the gathering of all our friends who come up and join us for some weekend fun on the water.

I also got a chance to sneak away for a week to enjoy one of my favorite places on the earth, Wyoming. During our week there, I was able to get wet and make a couple of laps kayaking down the Snake River. I also got in two days of mountaineering school and climbed the Grand Teton while Mary hiked on the Teton Crest trail.  We also enjoyed being with some Yellowstone Dew Crew friends and reminiscing about old times at the Old Faithful Inn one evening. It was a truly awesome week, filled with beautiful outdoor adventures!



When I did my first long distance thru hike back in 2012 on the Appalachian Trail, I had no plans then of becoming a Triple Crown Hiker. At this point I feel like it’s something I really want to do and accomplish some day. I’m just glad to know that the CDT will still be there when I’m able and ready to go.  For now, I’m planning towards a 2020 CDT thru hike.

Why 2020? Paddling and more paddling, that’s why! This coming calendar year is once again filled with some truly awesome river adventures. In January, Mary and I will be headed down to Ecuador for some sight-seeing and whitewater paddling fun in the jungles of the Amazon region with Small World Adventures. I can’t wait to visit Ecuador again and I’m super excited that Mary will be coming along with me this time to experience this beautiful country as well.

In August of 2019, we will once again head back to the Colorado River for another two-week journey through the Grand Canyon with some great and long time paddling friends. It should make for another awesome trip through the canyon!

So, even though I missed another year living the hiker trash lifestyle, know that my adventures continue to roll along, just in a liquid format.

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2 Responses to Paddling, Paddling and More Paddling!

  1. Bob Sarratt says:

    Wohoo! 2019 will be epic! So will 2020 and beyond.

  2. Will Barton says:

    So glad that you folks are enjoying yourselves. I appreciate still being able to be apart of your email group. I really enjoyed the pictures from your trips especially when you went on the Colorado River. For me this past summer disappeared. Last year I tried to finish my AT but I blew out my back. I made it to Lickdale, Pa. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. God bless. Remember. If you can’t carry in your heart or on your back you probably don’t need it.

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